Singleton Pattern and Its Multi-Threaded Implementation

The Singleton pattern is a well-known design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single object and provides a global point of access to that object. It ensures that a class has only one instance throughout the execution of an application, and this instance is accessible from anywhere in the program. Singleton is often used for managing shared resources, such as database connections, configuration settings, or logging systems, where creating multiple instances would be inefficient or undesirable.

In this article, we will dive into a detailed overview of the Singleton pattern, explore its implementation in a multi-threaded environment, and walk through a real-time example. This guide will also be useful if you're preparing for a technical interview, as questions related to design patterns like Singleton often come up in coding interviews.

Overview of the Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern falls under the creational category of design patterns. It is characterized by the following features:

  1. Single Instance: It ensures that there is only one instance of the class throughout the lifetime of an application.
  2. Global Access: The instance is globally accessible, meaning it can be accessed from anywhere in the program.
  3. Lazy Initialization: The instance is created only when it is needed, i.e., it’s instantiated only when the getInstance() method is called for the first time.
  4. Controlled Access: It provides controlled access to the instance, ensuring that no other part of the program can instantiate the class.

Structure of the Singleton Class

A typical Singleton class has:

  • A private static variable to hold the single instance of the class.
  • A private constructor to prevent external instantiation.
  • A public static method (getInstance()) to provide global access to the instance.

Basic Singleton Implementation in Java

public class Singleton {

    // Step 1: Create a private static variable to hold the single instance
    private static Singleton instance;

    // Step 2: Private constructor to prevent instantiation from outside
    private Singleton() {
        // Initialization code here

    // Step 3: Public static method to return the single instance
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Singleton();
        return instance;

In the example above:

  • The instance variable is a private static field that holds the single instance of the class.
  • The constructor is private, which ensures that no one can create a new instance from outside the class.
  • The getInstance() method checks if the instance is already created. If not, it initializes it and returns it.

Implementing Singleton in a Multi-threaded Environment

In a multi-threaded environment, several threads might try to create an instance of the Singleton class at the same time, leading to multiple instances being created, which violates the Singleton pattern. To ensure that only one instance is created in a thread-safe manner, we need to modify our implementation.

1. Using synchronized Block:

The simplest way to make the Singleton thread-safe is by using the synchronized keyword. By synchronizing the getInstance() method, we ensure that only one thread can access the method at a time, preventing multiple instances from being created.

public class Singleton {

    private static Singleton instance;

    private Singleton() {
        // Initialization code here

    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Singleton();
        return instance;

While this approach works, it can be inefficient because synchronization introduces overhead, and each time the getInstance() method is called, the thread must acquire a lock.

2. Using Double-Checked Locking:

To minimize synchronization overhead, we can use a technique known as double-checked locking. In this approach, we synchronize only the block of code where the instance is being created and perform a second check to ensure the instance is still null after acquiring the lock.

public class Singleton {

    private static volatile Singleton instance;

    private Singleton() {
        // Initialization code here

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new Singleton();
        return instance;

Here’s how it works:

  • The first if checks if the instance is null before entering the synchronized block, which avoids unnecessary synchronization once the instance is initialized.
  • The synchronized block ensures that only one thread can create the instance.
  • The second if check ensures that the instance has not already been created by another thread while the first thread was waiting for the lock.

The volatile keyword ensures that the instance is correctly published to all threads, avoiding issues that could arise with caching.

3. Using Bill Pugh Singleton Design (Initialization-on-demand holder idiom):

A highly efficient and thread-safe way of implementing Singleton is using Bill Pugh's Singleton Design. It takes advantage of the Java classloader mechanism and the fact that static initializers are thread-safe.

public class Singleton {

    private Singleton() {
        // Initialization code here

    private static class SingletonHelper {
        private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE;

In this design:

  • The inner static class SingletonHelper contains the instance of the Singleton class.
  • The instance is created only when the getInstance() method is called.
  • The SingletonHelper class is loaded only when it is referenced, ensuring that the instance is created lazily and safely.

This implementation is thread-safe without requiring synchronization and is also highly efficient.

Real-Time Example of Singleton Pattern

A real-world example where the Singleton pattern can be applied is in logging systems. Consider a scenario where multiple components of an application (e.g., user authentication, database interactions, etc.) need to log messages. Instead of creating multiple instances of a logger, a single instance should be used across the entire application to avoid overhead and ensure consistency in logging.

public class Logger {

    private static volatile Logger instance;

    private Logger() {
        // Initialization of resources, like setting up file writers or loggers

    public static Logger getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (Logger.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new Logger();
        return instance;

    public void log(String message) {
        // Log the message to a file or console

In a multi-threaded application, different threads might be logging information simultaneously. The Singleton pattern ensures that there is only one instance of the Logger class, so all log entries are routed through this single instance, ensuring thread-safety and proper logging.


The Singleton pattern is a powerful and simple design pattern that helps ensure a class has only one instance and provides global access to it. In a multi-threaded environment, it’s crucial to make sure the pattern is implemented in a thread-safe manner to avoid creating multiple instances. Using techniques like double-checked locking or the Bill Pugh idiom can help maintain both thread-safety and efficiency.

If you're preparing for an interview, expect to be asked about Singleton in multi-threaded contexts and how you would implement it to ensure that the pattern is applied correctly. You should also be able to explain the trade-offs between different thread-safety mechanisms, such as synchronization and volatile variables.

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